View Full Version : Portfolio Images

07-20-2010, 08:41 PM
Lifetime and Yearly members of OTS Members as of August 1, 2010 the limit of pictures on your portfolio will be lower to max of 200 images uploaded.

If you have over 200 pictures you will not be able to add any more pictures until you lower the count to below 200 pictures.

A couple of months ago we added talent recent updates to the front page. So everytime you upgrade your OTS Portfolio your main picture will show up on the front page of OTS.

Don't forget to send in your OTS ShopTalk Photo Contest Images you have 2 more days to get them in. 6 categories 1 image per category. Email them to marc@onetalentsource.net

07-30-2010, 09:00 AM
Sunday August 1st the maxium amount of pictures you can load on to your portfolio will lower to 200 pictures max. You will not have to delete all your pictures if you have over 200, but you wont be able to add more pictures until you delete enough pictures to be under 200 pictures in your portfolio.

09-16-2010, 02:46 PM
Is there a way to delete a lot of photos at once? Right now, I'm having to scroll down to a photo I want to remove, select Remove, then wait for the gallery to reload and repeat the process. I don't want to delete all of my photos, because most of them are no longer on my computer, and I'd have to go through backup disks to locate the ones I want back on there.



11-17-2010, 10:27 AM
Jerry I think the answer you are looking for is over on this other thread by Marc: http://onetalentsource.net/showthread.php?1030-August-1-New-Limited-on-Portfolio-Gallerys