View Full Version : How to SignUp for ShopTalk

12-21-2008, 11:36 AM
OTS ShopTalk Forum Rules

ShopTalk will be FREE to all approve members of OneTalentSource.

Due to spammers out there on the Internet Members are going to have follow rules before they will be allow to signup on ShopTalk.

How to be signup on ShopTalk

1. Must have a OneTalentSource Portfolio with Pictures (this is a must)

2. All OTS Members who would like access must email us at onetalentsource@aol.com asking to be signup on ShopTAlk. (must send your OTS Number in the email)

3. All OneTalentSource Members that are approve for ShopTalk will have to wait until we manually set user up for ShopTAlk. This could talk up to 36 hours. Please be patient we will get to you.

3. Only one user account per email

Rules That could get you ban

No advertising web site that sale products not associated with our industry. Any Member who put these links on ShopTalk will be ban for the forum

No Nudity Images ( same rules from OneTalentSource apply on ShopTalk )

No discussions about Religion or Politics

Be courteous and polite. Show respect to the opinions and feelings of others. Use of the forums is a privilege, not a right. This is not a free speech forum, but a private community with rules.

Use your brain before your mouth ( don't hide behind the keyboard ). You are responsible for your own words and any harm they may cause. OneTalentSource.com is a community linking non-professionals and professionals. Behave as you would in the real world.

Do not double-post or hijack other's discussions. Please do not post the same question multiple times in different forums, your post will get deleted/moved and you may be banned.

What will not be tolerated:

- Abusive or offensive language

- Personal attacks/disputes with other members

- Spamming / Advertising

- Hate speech is not allowed

- Any comments made with the sole intention of disruption or to cause distress to any individual(s)

- Promoting/linking to any adult/R modeling service/photos ( including escort services )

- Other non authorized or illegal activity as defined in the OneTalentSource.com Terms of Services Agreement.