View Full Version : OTS E-Magazine Name

06-08-2009, 01:00 PM
OTS will soon kick off an E-Magazine. We have the licience and software in place.

It will be about you OTS and we need your HELP in naming it.

Please submit PRIVATE emails submittions OneTalentSource@aol.com
... to name the
NEW OTS E-Magazine.

OTS Members can sumbit Articles
....about themselves, other members and events.

06-08-2009, 08:58 PM
Our mission is to give a monthly resource of information about onetalentsource members.

It would be a fun way to be Officially Published.

This is our way of trying to get OTS into a new level different with a new NITCH than the other modeling sites.

In this new paperless world of information, this magazine is our new OTS Paperless Publishing.

things it will have....
*upcoming event for our members
*fun stuff to entertain
*educational information
*advertisements about our members
*articles about our members
*interviews of our members
*photos from our members
*free to all our members